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Sellers can now see the number of views their listings receive from potential buyers

New features for users

SteelBuy has added a new feature that indicates to sellers how many times their listings have been viewed by potential buyers!

This is important for sellers, to help gauge if the pricing of material is too high or not, if it is, then the price can be adjusted accordingly.


We understand that keeping track of your listings is critical to helping drive sales, and this new feature is a result of listening to your feedback. We are committed to building a digital platform that:

  1. Provides value to all users
  2. Is reliable
  3. Is secure
  4. Puts things right quickly when issues arise 
  5. And most important, is easy to use


With our ‘Listings Viewed’ feature, you can now track the number of views each of your listings receives. Giving you the power to monitor performance and make better informed decisions about your selling price.

By reviewing the number of views, and adjusting your selling price, you make better pricing decisions, so you stay competitive, maximise your profitability and get more tonnes through the door.

The new feature also enables you to compare the performance of your listings against each other, allowing you to determine which listings are performing well and which ones may need some adjustments.

We are committed to helping you succeed. This new feature is just one example of how we are continuously improving our platform to meet your needs and help you achieve your business goals. We have some exciting developments in the pipeline so watch this space.

If you need any assistance with making the most of SteelBuy, please email us at

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